While they may claim California as its terra firma, its true home is in the cloud/s, from where the two emit and output the unique yet familiar frequencies of synthesized nostalgia, kitschy catchiness, and bombastically warped neo-hooks. Magdalena Bay, the LA-based duo composed of Mica Tenenbaum and Matthew Lewin, released their secind album "Imaginal Disk" in August. With its 15 tracks of hooky, thumping, irresistibly moody, and intelligent songcraft, it's unlike any notion of pop music you may be able to conjure. If the duo were to list its various inspirations and influences, it might include Joni Mitchell, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Jean-Paul Sartre’s plays, The Beatles, Lacanian psychoanalysis, "In Rainbows", Margaret Atwood, and the Polish novel "Solaris". See them live at Open'er, July 2!
Wednesday 02/07/2025 ALTER STAGE